Smudge Spray


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Traditionally used to cleanse the energetic field and environment, providing guidance, wisdom,
and protection. This medicine is designed to create a feeling of lightness and love, clearing out
stagnant or heavy energy from the body and space. Shake well, use with good intention, and


Ingredients: Wild Okanagan Sage (Artemisia tridentata) infused in Witch Hazel (Hamamelis
virginiana) distillate, Rose (Rosa damascena) Floral Water, Organic White Cedar (Thuja
occidentalis) Essential Oil

Traditionally used to cleanse the energetic field and environment, providing guidance, wisdom,
and protection. This medicine is designed to create a feeling of lightness and love, clearing out
stagnant or heavy energy from the body and space. Shake well, use with good intention, and

Directions: Spray around the body and environment as needed, using prayer to ask for what
you need from the medicine.

Plant Medicine Details:

This remedy was crafted from a Big Sagebrush wild harvest done annually on the Summer Solstice in the Okanagan Valley: the traditional territory of the Nsyilxcen (Okanagan) peoples. The medicines are harvested in ceremony and with traditional plant harvest protocols, including prayers and offerings. I acknowledge that I am a grateful visitor on Okanagan territory and I seek to strengthen relations with the land and people through ethical harvesting practices and permission.

Big Sagebrush (Nsyilxcen name: cq’was’q’lstn) was used extensively by Southern Interior First Nations peoples. Syilx people drank a tea made by boiling the leaves and branches together to treat sore throats and tonsillitis. Made extra strong, this bitter tea induced heavy sweating in people with colds, which helped them recover faster. The seed heads and branch tips were also boiled together to make a strong tea for tuberculosis and indigestion. The tea acted as a laxative, and people taking it further cleansed by taking sweat-baths before and after drinking the tea. An infusion of the leaves was also drunk to treat smallpox. The leaves of Big Sagebrush contain a highly aromatic organic chemical compound called coumarin. Syilx people mashed the leaves and inhaled this scent to help clear stuffed sinuses. The roots also have medicinal properties, and when these were steeped in hot water, the resultant tea was drunk to treat colds and sore throats. Big Sagebrush bark is useable year-round. Fibers could be extracted from the bark and twined into rope for weaving mats, baskets, saddle blankets, and quiver cases. Poor people, those who could not afford to trade for better-quality materials or for some reason were unable to procure better-quality materials, used Big Sagebrush bark to make clothing, such as dresses, aprons, and breechclouts. The bark fibers were also used as tinder to start fires. Tightly twisted bark to a length of 60 to 90 centimeters served as a “slow match” for travelers. The wood was used for fuel and for smoking hides that were being tanned. Dried leaves were and still are used for smudging, a form of ritual cleansing (Turner et al., 1980 & Moerman, 1999).

Rose opens the heart center to welcome self-love and inspire the love of humanity and all of our relations. Rose is like a mother who loves, guides, and protects us through her feminine powers. This medicine can be used for someone who has low self-esteem or did not receive the love they needed from their biological mother. Rose assists us in remembering the Mother of all that is, our Spiritual parent who is always with us no matter what our physical experience may be.

White Cedar is used by many tribal nations such as the: Algonquin, Chippewa, Woodland Cree, Iroquois, Malecite, Menominee, Micmac, Montagnais, Ojibwa, Penobscot, and Potawatomi as a panacea (heal-all) for various spiritual and medicinal applications (Moerman, 2009). From my lineage of the Woodland Cree, the medicine is used powdered for various ailments, as well as decocted for pulmonary issues, and juiced or decocted for urinary problems. As a ceremonial medicine, the branches are burnt as a smudge to cleanse and purify the body and space. The Big Sagebrush Spirit offers the guidance, protection, and wisdom of a Grandmother while purifying and cleansing the energy field and environment. This smudge remedy was made into a spray for those who either can not burn smudge in their space or who prefer working with the element of water as medicine. When Grandmother Sage purifies the environment and space of a person, stagnant, heavy, or blocked energies may be cleared, inviting in newer and lighter energies to assist in creating ease and flow. Grandmother Big Sagebrush asks us to contemplate what our innate wisdom is trying to teach us so that we may walk on the Earth with patience, love, and kindness, in the knowing that we are always guided and protected along the way as children of Creator.

Best Before: 26/11/2023

Size: 119ml

Price: $40.00

Weight & Dimensions: 228g – 14cm x 5cm x 4.5cm

Number of Items in Stock: 9


Moerman, Daniel E. (1999). Native American Ethnobotany. Portland, Oregon: Timber Press. Inc. Moerman, D. E. (2009).

Native American Medicinal Plants. Timber Press. Turner, Nancy J., Randy Bouchard, and Dorothy I. D. Kennedy (1980).

Ethnobotany of the Okanagan-Colville Indians of British Columbia and Washington. Victoria, BC: British Columbia Provincial Museum.

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